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 SABnzbd Strict SSL Mode - Signed Usenet SSL Certificate

Usenet providers such as Fast Usenet offer SSL/TLS security. The official network protocol is called NNTPS (Network News Transfer Protocol Secure) or NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol). Similar to HTTPS for websites, NNTPS serves two functions.

  1. Are you communicating with the server you want to talk to.
  2. Encrypting your transfers so third party's can't see your login information or what information is traveling on the network.

There are many Usenet providers that offer NNTPS but only a select few have verified certificates working correctly. The new default setting in SABnzbd version 2.0 defaults to strict SSL mode. What strict SSL mode does is checks to make sure the server name matches the server address. For example when you connect to the installed certificate on our server matches that address. This allows SABnzbd and other newsreaders to verify it's connecting to the correct server and offers additional security to users.

usenet verified ssl certificate

Below is an example of how the error will appear in SABnzbd if the SSL certificate doesn't match the connecting host name. We've blurred the actual host name information in the example.

sabnzbd ssl certificate error