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Free Usenet Newsgroups

Free Newsgroups? Basically, newsgroups are a means of “public discussion,” using Usenet. (Usenet, in its basic form, is a set of computer servers that host newsgroup articles for people to look at) They are A place where people can post newsgroup articles (messages). These messages look similar to e-mails, but they could possibly be read […]

What is Dejanews? Where Did It Go?

What was DejaNews? The question is what is DejaNews, but the question really is what was DejaNews. DejaNews began as a site that was dedicated to searching and participating in discussion groups found on Usenet. It later changed its name to Deja.com. This change was due in part to the change of focus from general […]

Usenet Binary Files Explained

Usenet Binary Files History of Binary Files Multi-Part Binaries Combing Binaries Downloading Binaries Encoding Binaries Extracting Files PAR Files PAR Software Usenet binaries are a type of file that is widely used in the Usenet community. Usenet binaries take up a good majority of the Usenet information out there. A binary file is basically a […]

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