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Spam, Flamers, Trolls | Proper Usenet Etiquette

What is Usenet Spam? By now, we all know that the term SPAM is used to describe a very negative occurrence that plagues the Internet today. Unfortunately, it also plagues the Usenet community. It seems like nothing is immune to spam these days. Usenet spam comes in many different shapes and forms but essentially it […]

Cartoon Newsgroups

Are You a Fan of Cartoons? If the answer to this question is “yes,” then you should definitely check out the Cartoon Newsgroups in Usenet. Fast Usenet offers the widest variety of cartoon newsgroups available in Usenet. Overall, Fast Usenet gives you access to more than 100,000 newsgroups of all kinds, so you can do […]

Automobile Newsgroups on Usenet

Automotive Discussion Newsgroups Have you ever had a question about where to find information on a certain car and didn’t know where to find it? Well, Fast Usenet is the right place to look. There are many different newsgroups out there that just pertain to automobiles. Whether you are looking for information on your current […]

Is Your ISP Limiting Usenet Downloads?

ISP Usenet Bandwidth Throttling Some Internet Service Providers (ISP) have implemented what is best known as traffic shaping or bandwidth throttling to help lower the resources used on their networks. To counter these tactics used by ISP’s Usenet providers such as Fastusenet.org have implemented secure socket layer connections (SSL) that use alternative routes on the […]

PayPal Now Accepted

Sign Up for Fast Usenet With PayPal Fast Usenet has added the option to pay using PayPal’s secure payment system. Over 95 million users around the World trust PayPal to handle their daily online transactions. You can now sign up for one of our great plans or take advantage of our free trial using your […]

Guidelines for Posting Messages to Newsgroups

Rules for Posting Messages to the Newsgroups There are certain unwritten rules about newsgroup posting that we would like to write here and make you aware of so you can learn how to post responsibly. Many users (especially new Usenet users) do not know what is appropriate when posting and what isn’t. That is why […]

Newsgroup Censorship & Usenet Privacy

What is Censorship? Censorship is the act of examining books, movies, films, web pages, or other material and the subsequent removal or suppression of what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable. Many different people from many different areas read and use the news in Usenet. That means that there could be thousands or millions […]

Usenet Moderated FAQs

In the world of Usenet, FAQ’s are a vital part of a newsgroup. The FAQ or ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ is sometimes used as a help file for the newsgroup. The FAQ includes a list of rules and guidelines to follow in that certain newsgroup, also the definition of what the group is all about. Moderation […]

Linux Usenet Newsgroups

Usenet is probably one of the main reasons Linux exists today. Linux newsgroups are an excellent forum of collaboration among the hundreds of thousands of Linux developers worldwide. It is imperative for such forum to exist in order to facilitate the growth and improvement of the Linux OS over time. There are numerous Linux newsgroups […]

Usenet Xbox, Nintendo, Playstation Newsgroups

Where to Find Usenet Video Games Besides all the other types of files and software you can discover in Usenet, you can also find a multitude of different computer games (both Mac and PC) posted in various groups in Usenet. Some popular newsgroups for games are: alt.binaries.games, a;t.games, and others. There are also more specialized […]

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