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European Usenet Newsgroups

What are the European Newsgroups? What the term “European Newsgroups” refers to are all the newsgroups that contain discussions in one of the many languages spoken on the European continent. German Belgian Spanish French Dutch UK (Britain) Swedish Countries With Usenet Hierarchies There are separate newsgroup hierarchies for the speakers of different languages specific to […]

Newsgroup Hierarchies (Categories)

There is the Big 8 hierarchy of newsgroups, which contains 8 famous groups of newsgroups. The “Big Eight,” most common first-level categories. More specific newsgroup categories include: can.* (Canadian groups), k12.* (kinder garden to grade 12 discussions), etc.

New Website Launches

We are excited to announce the release of our new website. When we started the redesign process about a year ago we had big ideas. We wanted to improve navigation and user experience. We wanted the website to be faster and easier to use, and after a year of hard work we are excited to release what we believe is a much-improved design.

Choosing A Usenet Provider

Finding the Right Usenet Completion, speed, number of newsgroups, retention, unlimited downloads and quality of support are just a few of the things you should look for when searching for a Usenet provider. For those of you who are not sure what each specific term refers to, here are short descriptions of each. Article Completion […]

Usenet Discussion Newsgroups

What is Usenet Discussion? Usenet discussion is a very broad term, which refers to the conversations that go on between users in the newsgroups. Those discussions can be between 2 people or among a whole group of people. Anyone who visits a particular group can take part in its discussion threads, after they have subscribed […]

Newsgroup Picture Downloading and Newsgroups

Downloading Pictures with Usenet One of the greatest features of Usenet is the ability to look at and download a myriad of pictures and images on about any and every possible topic you can think of. You can find a variety of professional pictures as well as many personal image collections that some users have […]

Usenet Newsreaders for Accessing Newsgroups

Brief History Of Usenet Newsreaders In 1980’s, the World was blessed with an exciting new means to communicate. This is when Usenet was created by two young and smart Duke Graduates named Jim Ellis and Tom Truscott. This new means of communicating server to server using the NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) was designed for […]

Newsgroup Web Browser Access

What is a Newsgroup Web Gateway? Usenet web is recommended to beginning users, to people who do not own a newsreader program, or to travelers who usually use a newsreader but do not have one on hand at the time. It is a very handy way to get into Usenet and do what you usually […]

Newsgroup Servers

Think of Usenet as a giant, worldwide electronic bulletin board. We’ve put together an awesome guide that provides more details on what Usenet is if you aren’t familiar. Anyone can freely post something on this bulletin board. Everyone else can read the posted items and add their own items. These voluntary contributions and free exchange […]

Private Usenet Newsgroups Access

What Does Private Access Mean To you, the customer, privacy should be quite an important factor when considering a Usenet Service Provider to sign up with. Private newsgroup service means that your download sessions aren’t being tracked by your provider and that no one knows who you are and what you are doing while logged […]

Providing Quality Usenet Service for Over 10 Years!